Monday 10 September 2012

Research for magazine advertisement

Research for magazine adertisement cover

Mojo is a big music magazine company who promote and advetise different types of artist and they are a powerful source for attarcting people to hear the artist music and recognise. Mojo magazine have a very simple layout with a picture or the artist and the album cover below. the magazine cover also has quotes and other sotirs on the side so it become easy for the customer to read what in the magazine.

The Source is a massive hip-hop music magazine where all the top artist are advertised and mentioned and they use this to promote there new albums and any new singles coming out. This way its another pwoerful source of people becoming aware of the new products. The source magazine cover has a very big layout with a full sze picture of the artist 'lil-wayne' covering the whole magazine with his name on the bottom and other text on the side showing main sotries within the magazine.

Vibe is probably the biggest hip-hop, RnB and soul magazine out there the biggest artist in the industry are always on th front cover advertising there new single or albums or any new mixtape that they might bring out and vibe magazine is a the central of the the music industry when it come to promoting and marketing. The Vibe magazine cover is very vibrant and stands out with the arist in the middle 'chris brown' and text next to him saying 'is that Chris Brown?' which pulls in the readers.

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